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Amnesia Episode 49

Sona asks Marianna to help her to get rid of the child. Levon hears their conversation. Manukyan gives Sarkis a task to arrange a rendezvous with Rafael. Rafael agrees to come being sure that Sophie is with Sarkis. Mariana calls Sona and says that she has slipped into Arman’s book the pregnancy test. Sona sees this book in Alice’s hands.

Amnesia Episode 48

Sarkis asks Rafael 50 percent of business and hints that knows – Sophie’s alive. Sophie overhears a conversation between Anna and Rafael, where learns that Rafael is her father. Sona calls Marianna to her place and says that maybe she may be pregnant. In the evening, Rafael returns home and sees that the door is open, Anna’s asleep in the kitchen, and Sophie is not home.

Amnesia Episode 47

Rafael fails to sign, and says that he will eventually give the signed paper. Sophie does not speak for a long time and come out of the room. Levon decides to move into a new house. Sarkis starts obviously play against Rafael.

Amnesia Episode 46

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